Friday, June 24, 2011

week four, run two

i've learned/realized numerous things today and it's only 11:31.

1. running with my contacts in is much more enjoyable.  i can see things around me!!  :)
2. running uphill is bruuuuutal.
3. a 5k is quite a bit longer than i thought it would be.  good thing it's not a race.
4. it's very important to stretch.  
5. the 30 day shred isn't kicking my bum anymore and is helping my shins not hurt so terribly.
6. my phone is still confusing to answer another call while keeping the current person on the line.
7. insurance is like another language to me.  it's like me speaking spanish to someone who speaks insurance.  however, my new car insurance agent is fabulous at explaining things to me.  ;)
8. speaking of car things...i got a new car!!!  sadie's lease was up, so i returned her and got a chevy cruze!!  and, interestingly enough, pepita (cruze) is cherry red!  (they didn't have pink... ;))  
she's pretty cute!  (i'll post a pic later!)
9. i looooooooove watching tennis!  currently rafa nadal is on.  he's one of my faves.  as, of course, is r.fed.  :)

ok, gotta go.  i'm making some turkey, bacon, guac subs for lunch.  mmmmmmmm!

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