Friday, June 24, 2011

week four, run two

i've learned/realized numerous things today and it's only 11:31.

1. running with my contacts in is much more enjoyable.  i can see things around me!!  :)
2. running uphill is bruuuuutal.
3. a 5k is quite a bit longer than i thought it would be.  good thing it's not a race.
4. it's very important to stretch.  
5. the 30 day shred isn't kicking my bum anymore and is helping my shins not hurt so terribly.
6. my phone is still confusing to answer another call while keeping the current person on the line.
7. insurance is like another language to me.  it's like me speaking spanish to someone who speaks insurance.  however, my new car insurance agent is fabulous at explaining things to me.  ;)
8. speaking of car things...i got a new car!!!  sadie's lease was up, so i returned her and got a chevy cruze!!  and, interestingly enough, pepita (cruze) is cherry red!  (they didn't have pink... ;))  
she's pretty cute!  (i'll post a pic later!)
9. i looooooooove watching tennis!  currently rafa nadal is on.  he's one of my faves.  as, of course, is r.fed.  :)

ok, gotta go.  i'm making some turkey, bacon, guac subs for lunch.  mmmmmmmm!

Monday, June 13, 2011

week three, run one  today's run was good.  i ran three times the length of my runs two weeks ago - which is actually quite an accomplishment!  :)  the only bad part about this run was the humidity.  i saw that it was 63* before i went on my run, so thought "no prob, i'll just wear a <tough enough to wear pink> t-shirt and i should be good.  i forgot to look at the humidity...75%.  i'm not really a fan of humidity.  i think i'd rather have the heat.  :/  

speaking of the heat, poor lebron, eh??  but good for dirk & the other fellas.  

i've got a lot to do this week - find a new car (my lease is up on sadie in july), finish my mom's scrapbook (i'm on pg. 8 & have 27 left to do - it'll take me awhile!), finish some paintings, help td with the rocks outside our house, clean the house, possibly play sand volleyball, perhaps participate in a bit of czech days...

so, in other words, i'd better get going!

yay for running!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

week two, run one

successful, yet painful...  today was the most difficult run yet.  could be that i was used to the first running/walking routine, and today the times were increased.  oh well, i completed it without giving up!  which is kind of a big deal for me.  :)  

    <-- this is me running in the neighborhood!  ha!

things to do today:
*work on my paintings (two of the three are gifts!!)
*wash off the driveway
*pull some weeds
*clean/organize the garage (maybe)

Monday, June 6, 2011

hgtv, here i come!

so, i've been working on painting/decorating since about the middle of april with the help of many friends and family...i think i'm FINALLY done with the downstairs!!  (although, i have a few wall decorations i'm thinking about for the 2 bedrooms, but that'll have to wait because it doesn't neeeed to be done, according to td ;))

i just finished the downstairs bathroom today.  strangely enough, it ended up being the only room in our house that's painted a color (blueish) - the rest of the house is called {chocolate mousse} and surprisingly looks different in every room.  on a whim, my mom and i decided to paint the bathroom different - nantucket fog - just for fun.  

it turned out great and looks totes cool with the black shower curtain & black/silver accessories.  some of the best accessories are actually the pictures.  i was watching hgtv [imagine that!] and on *secrets from a stylist* they were trying to cheaply decorate a space.  the guy was a great photographer and had some awesome pics, so they printed them off and framed them in white frames to put up a collage on the wall.  i thought, "hey, i can do that!" 

i picked out some cool scenery & bull fight pics from my time in --espana-- and had them printed in black & white.  i framed them in black and they're not only AWESOME-looking, they're meaningful to me!  

also, i'm quite proud of the fact that i actually got the towel ring/bar to hang on the, have i had a rough time hanging those things!  you'd think they could make it easier so it works every time.  eh, whatev, it worked this time!  yahoooooo!

[check it out]

{what do you think??}


Sunday, June 5, 2011

week one, run three

week one, run three:
uff da, it was HOT today!!  one thing i did do was wear a cute, pink tank top and that helped tremendously.  however, i need to figure out how to bring some water along because i get so thirsty...any ideas?

so, as i'm cooling down, i'm drinking some h2o and listening to the new incubus single "promises, promises."  i'm kind of sad that the whole album doesn't come out until july 12.  that's ok, though, i'm fairly certain i've got enough music to last me until then.

i haven't eaten lunch, so i may go make some GUAC to hold me over until supper.  i cannot decide what to make: pizza or spaghetti?  one thing i do not enjoy - making decisions!

here's to another successful run!

Friday, June 3, 2011

week one, run two

another success!!  :)  
however, today is considerably more hot/humid, so my face is *slightly* red...and my straightened hair is beginning to curl.  dang.

because i have so much energy now, i'm going to go clean the house!  then, perhaps i'll get around to taking some pics to share...  


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

it's a new day!

i hate running.  or so i thought...  i just finished week one, run one of my get running app that the lovely *kks* told me about, and although it may be a bit soon to tell, i think i'm actually going to like it!  i feel like running is the best way to get into shape quickly (sadly, sitting around doesn't do the job!), so i'm giving it a try.  also, if, on july 16, 2011, i'm going to participate in the jazz fest 5k with kks & xtal, i need to get my bum in gear!

Friday, March 4, 2011


so, i just looked at my daily horoscope app on my phone & here's what my horoscope read:

"you can't please everyone, virgo, but because of your perfectionist nature, you often try to do just that.  somehow, though, you tend to leave yourself off the list of people to please, and you sometimes wind up regretting that you put the needs and/or feelings of others before your own.  now you have a chance to do something special that will give you a great sense of pride and fulfillment..."

THAT IS ME!!!  how interesting that my horoscope is SPOT.ON.!!

also, here's my fave new kurt halsey pic.  

Monday, February 28, 2011

long time, no type!

here are a few things i've done since i last wrote:

1.  todd & i went to just go with it with adam sandler & jennifer aniston for valentines day.  it was so good!  usually i need to be in a certain mood for adam sandler movies because they're often so silly, but he was actually quite calm/normal in this movie.  also, it was totally fun to see dave matthews and andy roddick in it!  
Just Go with It Poster

2.  went to the uken wedding reception on saturday, february 19.  man, that was a BLAST!!  it was fun to see all the college friends - drummers & abby!  first of all, andy & i saw our 4th grade teacher, mrs. schlekeway.  i haven't seen her in ages!  it was nice to catch up.  then, we obvy drank (free wine - whoopie!) and danced like crazy!  i may have said a few things in spanish too...but that's only because i'm bilingual and sometimes my brain switches over.......  ;)  i got some great dancing pics.
kell, colleen, & me
this picture of aj & everyone around him makes me giggle 
this must've been a good song that everybody loved!

3.  This past weekend, kelly came to visit me in wag!!!  it was super fun - we hung out with char, ate delicious homemade food, drank, laughed a lot, watched tv/movies, worked on the computer, listened to some great tunes... i'm so happy she came down!  we always have fun together no matter what we do!!  :)
hahahahahaha - it took us about 20 tries to get these pictures; we were laughing so hard we were crying uncontrollably!!!

although a LOT more has happened since i last wrote, these are the top 3.  :)
i'll try to get better at updating! 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

fried food, wine, & 2 a.m. snow angels

On Sunday, after a relaxing & productive weekend, Char invited me out to the fried food party at Jamie's shop.  Due to the crazy South Dakotan snow/wind, I turned around on my way there because my little car couldn't make it through the snowy side streets.  Char (& a 2nd grader who was at the party too!) jumped in Jamie's pick up and came to get me.  

Jamie fried up some delicious mozzarella sticks, potato chips, and onion petals.  He also made mushrooms, some sort of deer, and "balls."  Needless to say, I did not eat any of the last 3 options, but, the first 3 were great!  ;)

There were quite a few people at the party - many I didn't know, and some I did.  Shortly after 6:00 p.m. we found out that school had been cancelled - YIPPIE!  So, we chatted with people, drank some delicious wine & am-cokes, and eventually played some 5 point Pitch.  I ended up winning $10!  

Finally, at around 2 a.m. (hey, might as well live it up if we don't have school the next day!!), Char & Jamie drove me back home.  We decided, since I hadn't shoveled my sidewalks and the snow was perfectly even, light, and sparkly, to make snow angels.

perfect angels!

look at how snowy we got!

we're a fun bunch!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

christmas present

so, todd asked me what i wanted for christmas during november (i actually think it was on his birthday that he asked!).  i said i wanted a new bed for his house because the one he has is probably the most uncomfortable (and small!!) double bed in the world.  i was also thinking of diamond earrings (i don't recall if i said that aloud or not...).  

then, the first weekend in december, we went to sioux falls to eat lunch with jim, melin, & andy at the olive garden (yum!).  afterwards todd & i went to scheels and then stopped at the sd furniture mart in the same mall, just to "check things out."  long story short, an hour or so later, he had purchased a new bedroom set (dresser, sleigh bed, and nightstand) and mattress - king sized!!  

it was delivered on december 30th, but because of the blizzard-like weather, we had to go to the farm in case todd's dad needed help moving the snow for the cows and such.  (i'm such a farmer!)  anyway, january 2nd, we finally got back to yank and got the sheets washed and the whole bed put together.  (i got to choose the bedding!  teal & brown)  his mom came over to check things out, and the two of us put up the pictures i got for todd for christmas that matched the bedroom better than the kitchen (for which they were intended).  

one of the coolest things about the dresser is the light on the mirror.  there's a metal piece on the left side that we just have to touch and it turns on the light - 3 different levels of brightness!!  

all in all, i'm super happy with how it looks and am very excited to be able to sleep in the bed - can you believe neither one of us has yet?!  todd's waiting to get a new tv for the bedroom (the one that's in there cannot be seen over the foot of the bed - ha!), and i'm waiting til a night that i'm not busy in wag so i can go to yankton for the night!!  it's going to be so great!

that's all for now!

oh, p.s., i got diamond earrings too!!  :)

Friday, January 7, 2011


hola blog world!!

since "everybody's doing it," i thought i'd start blogging too.  it'll be a nice way to keep in-touch and share fun, quirky stories from our daily lives.  it'll be like somewhat of an online journal - interesting to look back on.  

i've been exhausted all week because it's been such a switch from the sleeping-in and come-&-go time of christmas break.  and, if i'm not back in "school shape," my kids are FAR from it!!  they were NUTS all week.  i'm hoping next week will be better...  :)

well, that's it for now - enjoy my blogging!!  :)